1 research outputs found

    Distributed Wireless Algorithms for RFID Systems: Grouping Proofs and Cardinality Estimation

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    The breadth and depth of the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) are becoming more substantial. RFID is a technology useful for identifying unique items through radio waves. We design algorithms on RFID-based systems for the Grouping Proof and Cardinality Estimation problems. A grouping-proof protocol is evidence that a reader simultaneously scanned the RFID tags in a group. In many practical scenarios, grouping-proofs greatly expand the potential of RFID-based systems such as supply chain applications, simultaneous scanning of multiple forms of IDs in banks or airports, and government paperwork. The design of RFID grouping-proofs that provide optimal security, privacy, and efficiency is largely an open area, with challenging problems including robust privacy mechanisms, addressing completeness and incompleteness (missing tags), and allowing dynamic groups definitions. In this work we present three variations of grouping-proof protocols that implement our mechanisms to overcome these challenges. Cardinality estimation is for the reader to determine the number of tags in its communication range. Speed and accuracy are important goals. Many practical applications need an accurate and anonymous estimation of the number of tagged objects. Examples include intelligent transportation and stadium management. We provide an optimal estimation algorithm template for cardinality estimation that works for a {0,1,e} channel, which extends to most estimators and ,possibly, a high resolution {0,1,...,k-1,e} channel